Saturday 12 June 2010

Surprised by Joy

As a young child, I always went to church and as I grew older, there was an emptiness inside of me that craved after pure joy. Joy that would last a joy that gave my soul peace, but I sought it in everything, everything else but Jesus Christ. Like Wilberforce, I was a man whose soul was drawn to heaven. many things I would do, like follow my desires and go with the crowd. I thought in them pure joy could be found but time and time again, it left me empty like a woman who constantly day after day goes to the well to fill up her bucket. This unfound joy led to the gradual misery of my searching soul. I could not enjoy the companies of others with a pure affection, though I had many friends, My love for them was not deep. I kept relationships at skin deep because I did not want them to know of my misery. I came to university with this burden, and the craving still remained. I saw beauty in everything, but where was its source. Is there an ultimate beauty? If there is then pure joy must be found there too. One day I was reading the scriptures and a passage came to me, John 10:10- 'I have come that they may have life and life to the full'. How can I receive this fullness of life? I pleaded in prayer and in a moment a supernatural peace and great love and joy filled my soul and I now knew that pure joy came through Jesus Christ and I concealed defeat to my emptiness.


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