Monday 29 June 2020

Praying through the scriptures

I find it very pleasing and delightful when I pray through the scriptures. Last week I was praying through Romans 8 and will continue it this week as I have not yet prayed through the whole chapter. I thanked God that there is no condemnation for those in Christ, and pleaded with Him that I should not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. O and how thankful I am that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Thank you for such mercy and grace. Thank you, dear Lord.


I thank thee O God for the loss.

I thank thee O God for the loss.
I look back and what I see now
I would not have liked what I see.
All marvel seems to fade at a long view
But before, a glance would have taken me far away.
Your foresight and wisdom is blessed
Even now as I wait for what I want
And it seems ever far
And my future ever so dim.
I pray for clarity and success, 
But failure and rejection is what I drink. 
Yet I'm strong in soul
And will persevere,
For there is no hope in giving up!


Wednesday 24 June 2020

God is in Control

God is in control. He in control of the results as well as the means. I am fully responsible of my actions and if I do evil I will be punished for my sins and if I do good then there will be honour and glory due to me.

But there is no one good. All of our good works are mixed in with unrighteousness, however faint. So all of my hope of the end result lies with God. I will not be anxious nor be afraid. But I will like Daniel, dedicate myself to prayer for he continued to pray three times a day when he knew that doing so will result in his death. Yet, he left it all to God. 

Likewise, I leave all of my endeavours, that is the end result to God. May He prosper it or use it according to his own designs for His glory. All I've got to ensure in the meantime is to be on the path of obedience and have a willing spirit in me. I am to work hard. May I work hard in the Lord knowing that nothing done for Jesus Christ is in vain.

Do you believe that God is in control?


Saturday 20 June 2020

Where is love in my heart now

Where is love in my heart now? Where does it reside? I searched but could not find it - I have no taste so desiring for a woman's love. But there is lust - not the kind that cares. But there is war - not the kind to feed the lost. 

Where is my love - the kingdom love that lays its life? Where are you? Why can I not grasp you? 

Holy Spirit forgive me - Let me be a sweet aroma. I want to be kind, but greed brings envy out of me. I think I'm too proud - When was the last time I confessed my wrong? I wished I cared more - then perhaps my presence would more abound. 


Forgive them all

My sins are getting deeper, 
But His forgiveness is far-reaching,
I'll never stop repenting
And one day I'll be free of my evils. 
Forgive me Holy Spirit
Teach me how to love
Especially those who do me wrong
I shouldn't expect any better.
Sons of wickedness pervade the world
I should expect nothing less but war
Let me show kingdom love
And may my prayer be - forgive them all.


Wednesday 17 June 2020

Only God's opinion matters,

At all times forgive and learn from the situation. At all times compare yourself to what God requires and not to the standard of men. Jesus should be our only comparison in the ultimate sense. Compared to him we have all utterly failed. Therefore I forgive my neighbour and true forgiveness from the heart will lead to liberation and a desire for their genuine repentance towards God.

Even though their ways are full of malice towards you, fully aware of what they are doing, and thinking that doing thus is an act of vengeance towards you or an act that will consume you, forgive them as Christ forgave his killers on the cross. In the end, the only opinion of you and me that matters is God's opinion. For on the day of judgment, when you are declared guilty by Jesus, it will be of no benefit to you if 10,000 men came forward to testify of your goodness. Their opinion will be as a droplet into the ocean. Only God's opinion matters, so live for him. That's what Jesus did, He lived solely for his Father. 


Friday 12 June 2020

O that I was more obedient to the Lord

O that I was more obedient to the Lord. O that in my heart I was more yielding to the sweet commandments of King Jesus. O that after tasting much sunshine in my soul, that I do not fall by the wayside. 

Sin really makes my soul unhappy and when I fall into sin's wicked wells, I sigh in misery and plead with the Lord to renew me and to make me feel the sweetness of forgiveness. O that I was already fully sanctified and have fully departed from the ways of sin. Forgive me, Sweet Jesus, may I carry my cross daily.


Monday 8 June 2020

O my soul, why are you so happy

O my soul, why are you so happy? Why is there such a burst of beaming sunshine in your soul?
Why are you so full and full of peace?

O dear one, it is because of Jesus the Nazarene. It is all because of him. I took one look at his face and look at how my heart is ravished and all my storms immediately ceased. It is all Him. I do not know what to make of it other than He is pure in heart. He is light. He is peace. He is love. He is the truth. 
He overcame the burden and guilt of all my sins. He lifted me out of all of my anxieties. He makes me walk on water and teaches me the way of peace. O look how happy I am. O devil, go away with your temptations. I am satisfied in Christ. He is my beloved. I love him and love him and he loves me. Jesus, my sweet Jesus, please continue to visit me with kisses from heaven. Continue to lay my head upon your chest and continue to fill me with your perfect peace. O, the sweet hour of prayer brought this about. I sought him with all of my soul and I found him praying for me. My darling Jesus intercedes for me for I am His and He is mine. Oh, wonderful saviour, you are the delight of my soul. Blessed be your name, blessed be your glorious name.

Dear reader, look on him too and see how awesome and lovely He is. If you cannot see it, I will pray for you that your blindness may be lifted. I will pray until the eleventh hour for you. Whatever trouble at this moment that is pressing on your heart, Jesus can take it all away and replace it with everlasting joy. His burden is light and His yoke is easy. Oh, it is light as a feather. It is no longer a burden if it feels that light. Come and drink now! Bow your head in prayer and pray. I have never heard of him casting anyone out that came to him in faith. Are you now coming in faith? Do not delay. Do not tarry for your delaying and tarrying only shows your unbelief. O come and purchase faith; It is a gift from the Father and it is free. Yes free. He accepts all who come to Him with empty hands. There is your faith. Yes in coming with empty hands. O pray and seek and you will find him! When you find him you will know and understand that he found you. Jesus is peace. Do you not want peace and joy for your soul? If you do believe in Him.


Friday 5 June 2020

What is the most important thing to you

What is the most important thing to you? What is the chief concern of your soul? That could be many things which are legitimate concerns. But the chief concern of my soul is to love God with all of my heart, soul, and mind and to love my neighbors. 

If I do this first, that is, love God with all of my heart then everything else follows. The problem is that we try to do everything else but this first. As a result, especially if you are a Christian with the Spirit of God sealed in you, we are grieved and weighed down with burdens that we are not supposed to carry.

I feel so sad that I let God down, that I let myself down, that I let everyone down. I pray all my sins will go away. I know that my sins are forgiven which is why I should even more live a pure life. 

May all the barriers that I have put up come down. 

I know that I do not deserve the help of El Shaddai, but please Almighty, look upon me with favour once again. Look favourably upon me despite my misgivings and shortfalls. Bless me O Lord and renew in me that evangelistic zeal. 

Renew in me a deep love and passion for your glory. Grant me penetrating insight and boldness. May I love you and all that you are for me. 

You are the most important thing to me. My internal life revolve around you. May my external life display the beauty of your glory.


Wednesday 3 June 2020

In my days of trouble, I look to you dear Lord

In my days of trouble, I look to you dear Lord.
You are my refuge and my ever-present help. 
The future looks dim, but you are able to lift me up from the ashes.
Create in me a pure heart, a heart of love, and grace.
Let me be full of the Holy Spirit
And may I daily display the fruits of the Spirit.
Bless me O God, bless me abundantly!


Tuesday 2 June 2020

I am empty without you my Lord

I am empty without you my Lord
Without you I am nothing. 
May I not forget you when I wake
May I keep you with me through the day
And may I give thanks to you in the night.
Blessed be your name.
May I love my fellow humans
Especially my enemies, yea those that do me wrong.
May I be full of effort for those that are my friends.
O Lord, please do not let me be put to shame.
I thank you that you are with me and you have not forgotten me.
Through the mouth of another, you have encouraged me!
As he prayed, not knowing me 
He said words that at this moment were in my heart.
O you do know my plight
You love me dearly.
And may I walk in holiness
Loving your kindness and mercy.


We live and we die

 We live and we die and we are forgotten. Life is a constantly growing rose  That never kisses the sky. Our goodbyes is soon forgotten And d...