Monday 20 February 2012

Ken's newsletter 4

A new year is always moments for new beginnings and new resolutions but one thing will always remain the same, our God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Entering the new year brought much joy to my soul and much of my heart was fixated on how I can do more for his kingdom and glory.

Returning to Bristol after the Christmas break has refreshed me and put in me a new excitement for the work that I am doing with Woodlands church. Last term all seemed to be introductions and getting alongside ministers and those who are doing great works in their fields and helping them with it. This year more responsibility I believe has been placed upon this young shoulders which has encouraged me to be more diligence and serving in my role. One of the responsibilities I have acquired is to be a pastorate overseer.

Pastorate overseer

The role of a pastorate overseer is to ensure the health of the pastorate that I am looking after. So my role is to make sure that the pastorate is functioning well and that those who are leading it have a clear direction of what a pastorate is and where it is heading. A pastorate is simply a collection of small groups which meets together once every two weeks for fellowship and discipleship.

The BEING Course

This is another area where I have been giving a leadership role, well, a co-leadership role with the student Pastor. The BEING course is a once a week study looking at the different aspect of the Christian life or journey. This is to help Christians in their understanding of the gospel and what it means to live a Christian life. This is rooted in the Christians understanding their identity in Christ Jesus and to provide an environment where young Christians or Christians of any age (although aimed at students) may come and ask questions and grow in their faith. I help run this course and thus far it has encouraged me as I hope it has encouraged our hearers.

Alpha Course

A new Alpha course has started and I have decided yet again to be a student leader. My role is to facilitate the student group and help generate discussion. This term Alpha we hope and are praying to be fruitful as the last Alpha course so all of our hopes are placed entirely upon God.

I thank God for this term thus far and many encouraging things have happened to me which I will share with you in my next newsletter. I will also share with you how the Bristol Christian union mission events week went and what I have been up to at UWE.

God has taught me once again to seek first his kingdom and righteousness and everything will fall into place. I appreciate all of your prayers for me and as always any support especially financially is always of great help to my year.

Thank you all, with all of my love and more

Ken Oni

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