Sunday 3 June 2012

Miscellanies 45 - Love your enemies

I am called to do good to all people in all situations and stations of life - what does that mean? It means that to the murderer, the rapist, the dictator, yes, even the likes of Hitler and Stalin I must do good to them. Of course exceedingly I hate their deeds but I must love them still for it is written by Him to whom all men at last will desire to flee towards, ‘Love your enemies.’ Yes, these words are as clear as the day at hand; everything is visible, there is nothing hidden. Likewise, these solemn words uttered from the lips of meekness are clear and simple. I am to love my enemies. Of course in loving my enemies I am very much restricted to those of flesh and blood for no where in scripture is it ever commended to love the devil - I am to hate him, yea, and all of his demonic host. But to those who are of my kind I am to love, as well as God himself and everything that is good and proper. From an evil heart flows the mud of hatred, the hatred which is contrary to loving one’s enemies. I am to love those who have a different ideology than I have, though their ideology may be the doctrines of demons and I may render them as heretics, yet, I must never deny them a cold cup of water. If they are in need and I have the power and resource to meet their needs, then I am at once obligated with a great zeal of love to meet it. I must not meet it with a cold hateful heart, but I must meet it with a cheerful heart that has been transformed and overwhelmed by the grace of God for me. For you see, it is also written in that infallible epistle that ‘While we were yet sinners Christ died for us and once we were enemies of God under his divine condemnation yet he so loved us that He gave, yea, absolutely, gave his precious lovely Son for us.’ God your heavenly Father, was kind to you when you was his enemy. He was so kind, hence he calls us to imitate. God in the last day or even so now as he works in his mysterious absolute Sovereignty will pay back evil men for their awful deeds and will be the judge over them. We are to commit all of our anger and indignation to him, like our blessed Lord who when reviled did not curse, but blessed, and on that glorious yet shameful cross, uttered ever so joyfully and yet so tenderly the words, ‘Father, forgive them.’ We are to repeat these words when we see our enemies crucify us, ‘Father forgive such a such for the awful undeserved thing that they have done to me’. Repeat these words now in your soul then say the names of your enemies and ask your heavenly Father if you so love him that he may forgive them too. Then, where is the residence for hatred, anger and bitterness? There will only be room for pity, love and mercy. Stray not to far my dear brothers and sisters from the ways of Christ, stay close to him, take his yoke upon you, the light yoke of loving your enemies than your own heavy oppressive chain of hatred and bitterness.


1 comment:

  1. Amen! You know that was the hardest and continues to be a struggle to separate the deed from the person...we see it as the person...instead of the power of darkness, hate and death ruling through the thankful for truth that sets us free....I am free to love now ....I am free to walk in peace to those that come against me in words or deeds!


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