Thursday 9 May 2013

Miscellanies 77: Precious is that blood

How precious is that blood that washes away all of my sins. It is my only hope of a happy life. It is my only consolation of approaching the throne of grace. How happy I am with that blood and with the man who's blood it is. I am forever grateful and glad that it covers all of my awful sins. Sins I commit willingly and sins in ignorance. They are all covered by his precious blood.

As it was commanded in Genesis 9:4 that, 'you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood,' yet we are commanded in the New Testament to drink the blood of Christ because it is life to our souls. Let my drink constantly be the blood of Christ for in it is contained all the nutrients I need to keep me healthy for the rest of my days. O, it is precious!

In Leviticus 17:14 we read that 'for the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.' O what a life given, what a blood poured that can make atonement for my soul. For today I feel the weight of my sinful deeds and I need an atonement. I do have it in full in the blood of Christ. How precious it is that it covers all of my sins and more.

The Jerusalem council in the book of Acts gave a few rules to the gentiles that they are to abstain from. One of them was that they are to abstain from blood, that is to eat food that has blood in them. But I cannot abstain from drinking the blood of Christ. I must come to his communion and drink his blood all the way into my soul, until all the arteries of my heart are filled with his life given blood. For I am in desperate need for its cleanliness.

I have sprinkled his blood on my heart so that the destroyer will pass over me, the divine wrath will not rest on me. O what a deliverance, what an escape! In the Old Testament, the blood was used to purify almost everything. It was used as a sin offering, trespass offering, for cleansing leprosy, peace offering, atonement, and for the sealing of the covenant. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. There is no forgiveness. O now do you see my thankfulness to him who bled on that cruel day? Do you see my gratitude to his Father who sent him and allowed his enemies to break his Son's skin, so that the precious blood, yea that invaluable precious blood may wash me white as snow. Yes it washes me whiter than snow. I swim in it. I bathe and shower in its overflowing richness.

O come with me sinners, come you who are a sinner, broken and know the guilt of your deep depravity. Come now once again, I have come many a time and have always found forgiveness. There has not been a day when the man whose blood it is has turned me away. He will not turn you away. You only need recognize that you are in great need of his blood to cleanse away your filth. It is free. You have no price to pay, nay, not even prices of eternal good works can afford its pay. It is priceless or it is free. Come now by faith. Apply the Calvary sprinkling upon your heart. Pray now. Ask and ye shall receive. Perish not in your sins when you have a free offer to have it all taken away. Only fools perish in their sins. O what a precious blood and how exceedingly precious it is when it is applied to one's own soul.


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