Sunday 9 February 2014

Miscellanies 90: How can we put all faith in God

How can we put all faith in God?

Faith means reliance. It means to trust God. It means that in all situations one should not lean on their own understanding but on God.

I think we can put all faith in God by simply submitting all of our lives to God - transferring all that we have or is to all that he is.

When we read scripture there are hundreds of promises that God has given to us, and thus to put all faith in God is to trust all of God's promises. When we do that we will not be worried about anything.

Jesus, looking ahead to our time questions the faith of our generation. He asks his disciples, 'Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth,' Luke 18:8.

O, how does this apply to your own personal situation. It is easy to see the lack of faith in others, but how hard it is to see it in ourselves. If we lack faith we have some sort of reason to justify it. We say, only if this were the case then we would be full of faith, or if I were in there shoes then I would trust God in such a matter. We say, O I have prayed for a time and a time and nothing happens. Or even more sadly we pray only once and expect it to be given. The widow had faith. Do you have faith?

I am one who is little in faith. Yes, I admit this fault of mine. I admit not to boast of my confession but rather to be driven to prayer to ask for more faith. Yes, my God, please help my unbelief. Doubt is not the ground I wish to place my feet. I want to be on the solid ground of faith, for it is there I can build my house and go to sleep at night knowing that when the evening wind blows hard upon my roof, it shall not cave in and kill me.

When you come again Lord Jesus, please find faith in me, and that faith I pray be given to me from your Father in heaven.


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