Saturday 7 March 2020

The woman was deceived but not the man

It is said that the woman was deceived by the devil and not the man. This means that Adam knew exactly what the devil's game was. Unlike the woman, he wasn't convinced by the serpent's word but knew it to be wrong whereas the woman was taken in by it. But why did he eat it when he knew that the devil was lying. It could only be to join in with the woman and rather than being alone he joined in with her. Perhaps the devil knew this that if he would have given the man the fruit, then the man would have rejected it. Perhaps he had tried it before but Adam told him to get behind him, but he went to the woman, and the woman having been convinced then gave to the man who could not reject his beloved. How often it is that many are persuaded by friends to do that which they know is wrong. But what would have happened if only the woman ate the fruit and Adam rebuked her for it? Would Eve be banished and another created for Adam and man would have passed his trial. I know not. Or if the man was deceived and the woman rebuked Adam for eating the fruit? Would Adam be banished and Eve remain in paradise? Whatever would have happened in both of those situations, God's judgment would be entirely righteous and without fault. But it is so that they both fell together and partook in the disobedience by eating the fruit. One did not abstain so both were entirely guilty and the ages testify to their guilt in their sons and daughters.


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