Monday 2 December 2019

What did I do wrong?

What did I do wrong?
Were all my ways doomed to fail from the start?
Was there no hope, no future and all my dreams already dashed to the floor.
O, this Love, why why why did you come upon me
When I did not search you out only to cut me down.
Why cupid did you strike me and not her
Why did I feel this sweet heaviness
Like it came from God?
Why was I encouraged
And in my longing, why did I believe.
Should I have listened to my own sorrows
And sigh under the tree of regret?
But now I know the truth
And I am moved to rue my confession!
Would the blows of regret not have been softer
I could have mused that she loved me once
Although a lie yet hope would not have died with the truth
Worse yet, I minimize my groaning
To make her think her cut was not so deep!
Now I fetch for sleep, for a happy lure
For a contour to undo all that she's done.
O I lament that I should ever have been born
That I should have taken breath,
Her beauty was better than the warmth of the sun.
What did I do wrong?
Ah, in her eyes I am very wrong
Because if I was right, in my arms she would gladly unlax


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