Wednesday 4 May 2016

He is my all

I take my cross and follow Jesus, that is I lay down my life and everything that hinders and follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

He is my all and everything because he gave up his life for me.

He is my blessed saviour, my eternal sunshine, my beloved, my dream, my reality!

O sweet eyes he looks me with, such heavenly stare when he gazes upon me, such heartfelt passion. O he is my desire, the everlasting joy of my soul. I love him dearer than anything in this world.

Mother, you are nothing to me compared to Christ, My Child you are nothing to me compared to Christ! He is all that my wife could never be! I forsake all for him. Life begone, death come quickly if this is what my Christ wants for me. He is always about my good and my happiness. May I always be about your good sweet Jesus!

Your burden is light like the fading evening light on the eyes. My hope built on nothing else, on nothing less than you, my beloved Jesus the Lord of all.


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