Thursday 27 January 2022

The writings of Sunny Caane

 My Dear Sunny

The goal is to find a wife this year. But what sort of wife am I looking for? I have never really thought of it in a serious way before that I needed one. But now, growing in age, and seeing the sun forever circling its pilgrimage and my life declining, it is time I give serious thought to finding a wife. I want a Rachel as well as a Deborah. I want a Bathsheba without the murder that would give birth to a Solomon, but I am not a king. If I were a King, I fair I would be wasteful and indulge in so much pleasure that I would ruin my Life.

In a wife, I am not sure what I am looking for but when I see her, I shall know for sure. But I am very simple and I believe I could take any decent female that would have me. My ambition is not so high and my faults are plenty. Perhaps that is why every eyes have looked beyond me and would forever look pass me. But what care do I have in this world currently? I live for myself and do things at whatever hour delights me. I must give up this selfish way was to entertain a family. But I fear that I may fail in my duties and after a few years, I would neglect my kids and wife and strut about the earth in search of the silver gold.

But it is well. I have good guidance at my side and you dear Sunny is forever a shining example. you have taught me the ways of duty and honour and the importance of family. It is you that I see as the wisdom of the earth and the great light in the sky. All shall be well in as much as I have my mind at peace and my desires shall be fulfilled. I will pray earnestly and take a gamble, not blindly but be more open and see if the stars do guide our destinies. 

I will be with you in August which is two moon rotations away and what joys awaits me.

Your dear childhood friend



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