Saturday 24 August 2019

I must put these all away

Have I any anger in my heart that is not righteous anger? I must put it all away.

Have I any wrath in my heart that is not righteous in any way? I must put it all away.

Have I any malice in my heart? Oh, I hope I do not. But if I do I must put it all away!

Have I caused any slander towards any in humanity? Or am I thinking of slandering somebody? I must put it all away.

Has there been any obscene talk coming out from my mouth? I must cease immediately and if it is stored in my heart for out of the abundance of the heart, one does speak then I must put all obscenity far away from me.

All these evil things that are from the flesh, I must violently kill them and put them all away. I ought to bury them and bid them an eternal adieu!


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