Saturday 31 August 2019

Miscellanies 112

I must now indeed set to mortify my sins with all great seriousness and diligence. For as I look over the last ten years or so, I have in certain seasons mortified those sins which easily entangles me - but not with so much a great consistency. It is no good if the fire is put out in the forest but the spark remains. Because the spark is neglected, it will soon rise again and burn. So it is with me if I do not entirely kill my sin. Oh, I have been careless with my heart and also neglected the pursuit of my Joy in Christ, for it is in this, yea in seeking first his kingdom and righteousness that I savor him and in obedience bring him glory. This also brings me to reflect on my lack of obedience in many things. I should have been smarter than I am now and more advanced perhaps if I was more careful with what I was given. But disgracefully I squandered it just as with many a thing and at present feeling like the foolish servant who buried his only talent rather than investing it. But today, yes as it is today, I am to repent of all my evil deeds and fling myself on the mercies of God, for his love towards me never fails.


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