Sunday, 28 February 2021

Therefore my soul, rejoice in the Lord!

 In the days that I have left, as many that God has ordained, that I will walk in accordance with his will. I will depart from the ways of the flesh and keep in step with His Spirit. But I am insufficient for these things. So I cling to the strength of Christ to complete in me the good work He began. In humility, I take him at his word and believe wholeheartedly in his promises. Therefore my soul, rejoice in the Lord!


Thursday, 25 February 2021

Let us always remember the goodness of the Lord

 Let us always remember the goodness of the Lord towards us regardless of our feelings. Somedays I feel the weight of my sins and think to myself that surely, God must be so disappointed with me that there is no point in praying. I sink in despair and think that my portion is surely hellfire.

Indeed, we must check ourselves to see if we are in the faith. Take heed lest we fall. Some have shipwrecked their faith due to neglect in their obedience to the command of God. We must not deceive ourselves because on that day many will say Lord, Lord, and Jesus will say depart from me!

Sometimes, I think does he say it to me now? Has he removed his Holy Spirit from me? Then I remember that He who began a good work in me will complete it to the end and that I am loved from everlasting to everlasting. I am confident of this, namely that I have the Holy Spirit inside of me and my grief towards my sins is not in the flesh, but a true conviction from the Holy Spirit that indwells me. O, that I may please Him more and daily chose to crucify my flesh and love my neighbors and enemies wholeheartedly. 

He loves me, and His thoughts towards me is always good. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in His house forevermore.


Tuesday, 23 February 2021

We do well when we serve others

 We do well when we serve others and push our selfish needs to the back of the line. Christians ought to be the first people to consider others first rather than having a toxic desire for others to serve us, and when they don't meet our needs, to ruthlessly cut them out of our lives. This is not the Christian way. 

Love is hard. It is difficult especially when we are in the right and the other person is in the wrong. Love needs to exercise wisdom, compassion, and forgiveness. Paul loved his fellow Jews, but when they didn't listen to him, he didn't stubbornly go back to preach to deaf ears, but exercised wisdom and went to the gentiles. But he did not stop praying for them. In fact, he wished that he himself could be cut off from God if his brothers could be saved. 

To those that are hard to love and no longer wish us to be in their lives, exercise wisdom. Keep your distance but pray hard for them and seek them in their time of need and welcome them with forgiveness if they need your help. Whoever came to the Lord Jesus, he never cast out. Likewise, let us in love cast no one out and do all of our duties towards our brothers and enemies in accordance with the word of God.


Monday, 22 February 2021

All our trust must be in the Lord

 All our trust must be in the Lord despite all of our past failures. New mercies are given to us each morning which should make us rejoice in His glorious grace and depart from our sins. 

We ought to constantly be about praying throughout our day bringing it all to the Lord. Sometimes the Lord will bring difficulties into our lives to drive us to our knees and pray for help.

He is indeed Sovereign in all things and governs all things according to his will. I do pray that in the end, I was a faithful servant and throughout all of my weakness, for there are many weaknesses, that I live in his presence forevermore.


Friday, 19 February 2021

Jesus is ruling. He is king.

Jesus is ruling. He is king.

Let that sink in. What issues are you going through? Which corrupt government are ruling? Where is there injustice in this world? 

Fear not dear Christian for Jesus reigns. He has all authority and will put all enemies under his feet and the last enemy will be death. 

So persevere dear Christian heart. Be bold in your mission. Learn from the apostles who heard these words under a wicked Roman regime. They heard Christ say, all authority is his and they believed and preached the gospel

And today there are so many disciples of Christ when it began with 12.

In  2000 years' time, if Christ has not yet descended, he will still reign and reign forever.


Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Lately, I’ve been awake

Lately, I’ve been awake but I’ve done nothing with my time.
The Sun is shining but I don’t wanna go outside.
She is calling me but I am persistent with eating my cheese,
A little walk away, I ain't got time to play silly games.
But I’m worried, worried I’m wasting my time,
I’ve got a few talents am I spending it here?
Forgive me, Lord, I wanna be a G,
The kind that serves Christ with all I have
But I’m a failure,
My mortal sins are way too deep in the weed.


The knowledge of Christ

 Some think that the knowledge of Christ is not worth the effort of study and meditation. Many Christians may say that it is worth their time but their actions betray them. Their head is empty of the knowledge of Christ. The little that they know is enough to satisfy them and so for the rest of their lives they remain ignorant and miss out on the sweet fellowship and comfort that could be had with Christ in this world. They remain babes in Christ, stumbling here and there without any maturity or desire or concern for it as demonstrated by their actions. 

And there are some who know a great deal in their head but they willfully disobey the command in their actions. They convince themselves that they shall never overcome and they are comfortable in sitting under the continuous shower of grace without changing their deeds so as to glorify Christ with their bodies. They too will live a miserable life if they are duly converted and have the mind of Christ in them.


Monday, 15 February 2021

If all my sins were written on a wall

If all my sins were written on a wall
The great China wall would not be enough
And surely I would not be seen near the wall
Except to point all passers-by, to the man on the cross. 
Would little Jemimah gasp and say,
Look grandma just how wicked he is!
Or would Uncle Dave shave his head?
And my friends hide their care! 


Valentine's day had passed

 Valentine's day has passed
And for some it was merry.
Some would have sniffed and wept
Others mourn at promises not kept.
The world brags of his love for man
But romance began with God. 
Ladies eagerly wait to be wooed 
Some men will propose 
While others would have no clue.
For me, neither sorrow nor joy nor apathy
Occupied my heart that day,
What settled in me was the hope 
I will be a faithful bride to the end. 


Mercy on me

 Mercy on me, O Lord
For my wickedness abounds.
To turn away from all of my vile ways
Is what I desire and to please you above all.
Let the sunshine upon my soul
That I may praise you.
Walk before me in all thy goodness
That I may be glad in your beauty. 


Saturday, 6 February 2021

Wrestle with your fears

 Jacob eventually had to deal with his past. He had to wrestle with God and deal with his brother Esau. Both times he left with a blessing. Wrestle with your fears and trust God. 


When God gives us a promise

 When God gives us a promise, we will do well to wait for its fulfilment and not rush to fulfil it ourselves because we think it entirely impossible. Sarah was foolish in disbelieving God by given Abraham her servant in order for him to have a son and an heir. It led her into more sin. Let us wait and God will give us our Isaac in due time. Let us wait with steadfast faith, knowing that even in death, we have eternal life in Christ Jesus. 


Wednesday, 3 February 2021

To live in holiness and righteousness

 My sins are as numerous as the stars in the sky.
When will it cease? Will I ever have strength enough to live in perfect righteousness?
O, how I wish I was already perfected living in bliss and in unity with the God above.
But I am a wretch who fails daily.
Why am I more a friend of the devil than of God?
God has promised me everything and even given His only Son to die for me.
Yet, I chose unrighteousness and cannot complete in all of my works a holiness that I think is pleasing to the Lord.
Sorrow upon sorrow, dread upon dread 
Will His anger fall upon me and strike me dead?
How fortunate that my portion is more of a David than a Saul.
Saul died for his breach of faith, yet David lived till he was old in age.
Grace for me today and for tomorrow and forever
Until a new body attained then I will not be able to sin,
I await that day
But here may my will be stronger
To live in holiness and righteousness because that I know pleases my LORD. 


Tuesday, 2 February 2021

The writings of Sunny Caane

Dear sweet Sunny

Ah, fond memories - it is well! How a dream bought me back to feel one of the best feelings I ever felt, in her company- how soft like smiling may where I was so alive in her presence. It was not yet love or I had not realised it - how her English plump cheeks won my heart all of my days. O to be not required, I have moved away from such dejected spirit, but how riveting that I should feel the sweetness of her sunshine in a dream last night, how I felt so long ago. It was awakened in another only to reject me too. O unhappy love is my portion, yet I mourn to be comforted by the sweet love of Christ. To see her again if only for a moment - to read with her again down the halls of my teenage dawn. I have missed my love and only wished that she had left me with a kiss so that I could forever seal her lips in time.

Write to me soon Sunny - your presence is always a delight to me and able to vanquish all anxieties. It is indeed well with my soul - extremely well.

Sincerely yours

Monday, 1 February 2021

The good news of the kingdom of God is good in every single way

 The good news of the kingdom of God is good in every single way. It is of glad tidings and Jesus was the perfect example. He healed every disease and loved all with a perfect love as required by the law and showed humanity the kindness and favour of God for poor sinners. Indeed, like John, he called all to repentance and promised that all those who mourn will be comforted. O, I mourn this morning for my sins and I am comforted by the sacrifice of Jesus who is the lamb of God that takes away all of my sins. So, I will be a peacemaker for I am indeed a son of God. Yet, if persecution is my portion, indeed I am blessed for the prophets before me were persecuted. O, may my light shine before men that they may see my good deeds and praise my Father in heaven. 


I've been wondering

I've been wondering on a road That goes nowhere but here and there Because nowhere is still here and there. When a life ends, it ends an...