Sunday, 30 August 2020

There is a right opinion to have about Jesus

There is a right opinion to have about Jesus that will bring you freedom and there is a wrong opinion that will keep you locked in your chains. Peter got it. The church has it, so there is freedom and once we lose this truth like Peter did, we are in the hands of the enemy. If you are are not believing that you are counted righteous, not only the forgiveness of your sins but also possessing the righteousness of Jesus then you will not enjoy your salvation. 

Who do you say I am, Jesus asked.

Dig deep into the scripture. Jesus is the shepherd. You are looking for guidance, be a sheep. Believe that He will lead you! 

Ah, little children, he is your friend. Yea a friend of sinners and your older brother. He won't discard you. He won't discourage you. Even if you are faithless, He is faithful. I am reminded of an old woman who had nothing but bread and water for dinner. She did not grumble but praised God and said, 'thank you, father, for your provision and this is enough for me because I have Jesus, my soul is satisfied'.

Is Jesus enough for you?

Is He all-sufficient?

She had the right opinion of Jesus and it brought her contentment. Ah, troubled saint, you can sleep well on the raging sea, you can rest until sunrise. Fear not!  

Little children fear not! Jesus is your friend and I have never seen nor heard of Him forsaking any that came to him. 


I hate the devil and his temptations

I hate the devil and his temptations - taking me away from my Lord and at times I’ve given in too many times. It’s so sad I wish I was more faithful. O, to be free of all my besetting sins, to live from now and forever without committing any sin. Jesus was truly the happiest for he had no darkness in his fellowship with God save his hour on the cross, that dark hour where he bore all of my transgressions. O I weep in sorrow and great misery, but I weep in godly repentance for in this repentance there is hope. Blessed be my all forgiven God. He is true light, the truest of all lights!


She had a beauty that I couldn’t see for a long time

She had a beauty that I couldn’t see for a long time. 

My eyes were opened but I could not acknowledge it. 

Determined she was not for me even though the stars aligned to tell me so. 

Stubborn love - I was in too deep with someone else

Someone else that was no good for me.

She was an angel - every interaction confirmed it

But her beauty was not satisfying to my heart

Will it ever be satisfying? 

Could it be remedied by divine grace

Are my priorities wrong

That all I should long for in a woman is beauty 

Even though my feelings are to the contrary 

Namely that a good character is better than flashy beauty.

She had a beauty that I see, 

A godly beauty that will outlast time itself


Friday, 28 August 2020

I’m gonna be a real one

I’m gonna be a real one. A go-getter gospel living, Jesus glorifying, sin killing, cross-carrying, repentant forgiven, submitting and leading, patient and encouraging, Spirit-led follower of Jesus. I want to walk like Jesus walked. Loved like He loved and forgive like He forgave. In the end, I know that only what Jesus thinks of me matters. Only what he thinks will count!


My fictional pen you have escaped me

Ah, my fictional pen you have escaped me or rather I have neglected you. It’s been a while since I attempted to write a story or finish such wonderful stories I began such as the little valley or the princess and the rain. I am full of regret that I did not finish you and grant you an ending. Perhaps now is the time to revisit you and pick up where I left you. It’s a harder thing to do than to have persevered. It is never in one’s best interest to quit a story. Better to finish it and not publish it than to neglect it and wish.

If the story was destined to burn then no such regret I would own but I intended to finish it when I began but I guess my desires were but smoke.


Sunday, 23 August 2020

Are you now in trouble and have many afflictions?

O saint, are you now in trouble and have many afflictions? Suffer it all patiently and eagerly wait for the Lord because it is written, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34:19, 'Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.' Yes, He will deliver you. Christ was not delivered from the anguish of the cross but He was raised from the dead. This was a better deliverance than if He was spared the misery of the cross. Likewise, your afflictions and troubles may bring you to death, but you will not regret bearing it all for Christ’s sake and also knowing that God will deliver you from eternal death. Bear with it all. Carry your cross! Take your load and burdens to Jesus! Weep but do not despair. Pray and keep the faith! The enemy wants your faith destroyed. Through many trials and tribulations, we enter heaven. 


Monday, 17 August 2020

Help me dear Lord

 One of the things I ought to do more is to do things that invest in others other than myself. Love thy neighbour as you love yourself is the command and not just love thyself. Oh I have often and probably always loved myself and too often stop at that and failed to take that step with my left foot as I did with my right to love my neighbour. What a tragedy! 

O God, help me love myself better and my neighbour equally. Help me, dear Lord!


Sunday, 16 August 2020

Who knows?

 Her arms could have been wrapped around him

But it is not. 

The weight of truth is felt when it is accepted,

And that is when grief begins to heal.

Such is the narrative of life

But who knows when a better story will arise?

Who Knows?


Friday, 14 August 2020

I remember as I prayed

I remember as I prayed, how it was a while back when I prayed with a certain someone, and I was moved by the piety of her ways and the sweet ambition she had to live entirely for Jesus and to spread his sweet love to others. I wonder if Jesus is still her delight or has the devil's arrows weakened her? And if she has been weakened, I pray that she is restored and that she remembers that her strength is in the Lord. And if she has gone from glory to glory, I pray for her further advancement that she may continue to be a light to those around her as she was to me. O, sweet hour of prayer- the sweet moment where I am content and how I wish for a voice from heaven to confirm my meditation but I need no such voice for I have faith in the words He has spoken through his Son and Apostles. O, the wonderful cross, it bids me come and die! Here I am to bless your name and to die. Yes to die so that I live for you.


Thursday, 13 August 2020

To pray

To pray from 10pm to 12am each night as it is a weekday or at least from 11pm-12am. For what have I to lose? Would I regret this in 10 years' time or in eternity? Do I not now sigh that I did not give my past to many prayers? Indeed I sigh and lament that I have wasted many hours and many more in neglecting prayer. And if the Lord does not answer any of my prayers as I see fit, yet is my delight not enough that he gladly hears me and only grants me the absolute best. O, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak!


Monday, 10 August 2020

Let me not pretend

Let me not pretend that I don't feel it when it hurts
But it's hard for me to cry
When there is no water in my eyes.
They say don't hide your light
I say be intelligence with your feelings
Too many act like a rock 
But they forget that even water can flow from a rock.


There is great darkness in the world

Ah, there is great darkness in the world - great darkness indeed! And the church is the light- yes the only light because the Only Light of the world has indwelled her. But many who call themselves Christians do not know just how necessary the light is because they do not see that the world is in darkness. They feel the world is in a late afternoon, not too bright but not dark at all, only some shady little corner somewhere. 

Many Christians have assimilated and found ease in the cool breeze of the world’s shade. Ah, they see not that it is mere deception. The word of God is exceedingly clear namely that people loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.

Ah, that God should judge this world and sweep away every evil into the fires of hell - indeed every evil! If it wasn’t for Christ the whole of humanity would be swept into such an awful place that was prepared for the devil but in His mercy, He spares those he chose in love in Christ Jesus. And those whom he has chosen are to love each other and to love those who remain in their sin who refuse to believe in the name of Jesus.


Friday, 7 August 2020

I fall

Well, it is not worth the thought to think on the facts of prudery - 
On a mountain thinking of how her sympathy made me lonely.
Ah, it is cold - my significance has greatly diminished.
The horizon was never meant to be reached only seen.
Ah, I fall - alas I fall again in vain love!


Wednesday, 5 August 2020

I Knew a sad boy

I knew a sad boy who a long time ago owed a few people money in the house that he lived in. It was really unfortunate for him but he had to move out because he could no longer afford the rent and worse still he owed a few months. When he moved out he met with one of his old housemates to talk about how he would pay back what he owed and he believed that there was a plan and that he stuck to it for a while even though the amount was very small. Now when he thinks back he can't seem to forgive himself for doing such a thing because he can't remember if he broke his payment or they said that he didn't have to pay it anymore. Ever since then he has been miserable and dare not reach out to his old friends due to shame. He was a proud boy and yet wanted the world to see that deep down he was a good boy. I told him to reach out to his old friends and seeing that they were of good nature would either totally forgive him if they haven't done so already. And if they decided to punish him the boy said that he would gladly accept it. But the poor boy shook his head and rather said that he will leave their meeting to chance. He was very proud and each day that he didn't reach out, his sadness grew larger.


Saturday, 1 August 2020

There is another reality

There is another reality very real and present that overlaps with ours. That is of those here on earth who have not experienced death, there is another present reality that our eyes cannot see. I believe this because Jesus rose from the dead and he lives in this other reality that our eyes cannot see. It is indeed amazing that our lives continue on forever. So those who lived here on earth and have died have not ceased to exist but they continue to live and they have memories of the lives that they live here. So, this is not the end as to render all of our lives vain, but today counts because there is an eternity where we shall abide forever. The two realities will one day become one and there will be no more divide. Our eyes shall see what the angels currently see and the saints shall enjoy the presence of God forever. Indeed there are those who would wish to not have a whole eternity to live and for them, it would have been better if they were never born but such is the wise counsel of our Lord that He has determined it to be this way. May you live today in light of eternity, that your actions count forever. 

Many thanks


She grew well

Ah, she grew, she grew well
I knew her before the time of speech
Before she could reach the apple tree.
Ah, she grew, she grew well
In beauty, in everything.
Ah, She grew, she grew very well.


I've been wondering

I've been wondering on a road That goes nowhere but here and there Because nowhere is still here and there. When a life ends, it ends an...