Wednesday 24 June 2020

God is in Control

God is in control. He in control of the results as well as the means. I am fully responsible of my actions and if I do evil I will be punished for my sins and if I do good then there will be honour and glory due to me.

But there is no one good. All of our good works are mixed in with unrighteousness, however faint. So all of my hope of the end result lies with God. I will not be anxious nor be afraid. But I will like Daniel, dedicate myself to prayer for he continued to pray three times a day when he knew that doing so will result in his death. Yet, he left it all to God. 

Likewise, I leave all of my endeavours, that is the end result to God. May He prosper it or use it according to his own designs for His glory. All I've got to ensure in the meantime is to be on the path of obedience and have a willing spirit in me. I am to work hard. May I work hard in the Lord knowing that nothing done for Jesus Christ is in vain.

Do you believe that God is in control?


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