Tuesday 2 June 2020

I am empty without you my Lord

I am empty without you my Lord
Without you I am nothing. 
May I not forget you when I wake
May I keep you with me through the day
And may I give thanks to you in the night.
Blessed be your name.
May I love my fellow humans
Especially my enemies, yea those that do me wrong.
May I be full of effort for those that are my friends.
O Lord, please do not let me be put to shame.
I thank you that you are with me and you have not forgotten me.
Through the mouth of another, you have encouraged me!
As he prayed, not knowing me 
He said words that at this moment were in my heart.
O you do know my plight
You love me dearly.
And may I walk in holiness
Loving your kindness and mercy.


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