Sunday 1 December 2019

Miscellanies 120 - He knows us

Is it not wonderful that the Lord takes time to know us? Not only does he have omniscience knowledge, that is to know everything there is to know without any effort or exertion, yet it is written in the psalms that He searches out our path and our lying down and is acquainted with all of our ways, Psalm 139.  There is a personal touch to this knowledge. It is not cold but warm, like a lover’s delight in knowing the ways of their beloved. He searches us and pursues to know our ways and not with a reluctant heart but a willing one. We know how sweet it is when we are besotted with a soul, and all we want is to know everything about them or for them to know everything about us. Indeed, I want to know when she lies down and when she rises, when she has coffee and when she gyms and what hour is her favorite in the day. In short, I would love to be acquainted with all of her ways because it brings me joy. Of course, many have used this kind of knowledge with evil intent, but it is not so with God. He searches out all of our ways individually so that he can lead each one uniquely. And we know that when someone takes the care in knowing us, especially the ones we love, that such knowledge is often too wonderful for us, that it is a delight and leads us to love them more. It is so with God, to think that He humbles Himself to know our ways should cause us to see his fatherly tenderly love and love him all the more.


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