Thursday 5 December 2019

The writings of Sunny Caane

My good friend Dante sent me these words of his feelings when the girl he loved rejected him and wanted to send these words to her about his feelings. 

My dear, I wouldn't have told you if I couldn't deal with the consequence. I am not easily bruised. In fact, I knew all along what you would say. But to be a good leader I must lead myself and part of it is courage. My face was set towards you like Jesus' face was set towards Jerusalem. I knew coming to you was a sure crucifixion. But I would rather have you know than for you to be unclear and I would rather you hear it from me. And even though I despised the humiliation, but for the potential joy, I embraced it.

This is my feeling about me asking her Sunny. Please write soon to comfort me for I have heard the sad news that she is now seeing another. My heart breaks! I wish I was him. O I dreamed a dream that will never be and what to make of my life now. I pray a greater love would fall upon me like it did for Romeo when he met Juliet. But I fear that she was my Juliet and my Rachel and must I settle for Leah? 

Her hands that never took mine, so soft caresses his hair, that I wish I was his hair. She passed me by without a kiss or goodbye, she walked apathetically by. I called but my voice must have been so low.


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