Thursday 28 May 2020

May my cup runneth over

Fellowship with the Lord is sweet. As his child, I am called to walk with him daily. So I ask you dear Lord to continually fill me up with your Spirit. May my cup runneth over. May I overflow with all of the fruits of the Spirit.  

In your presence, I delight. I approach your throne in the dead of night, in the quietness of the evening I seek your face. May my efforts not be in vain and may I not be put to shame. May your ears be inclined to my words and may you accept my worship. 

May you make me one of your prophets. May I teach the truth and act in justice and lead others to lay it all at your feet. May I have the strength to daily carry my cross - to forsake all for your glory and renown.

May all my ways be blessed. May I be daily comforted by your Spirit and may I be a blessing to others. 


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