Thursday, 31 December 2020

The Writings of Sunny Caane

 Dear Sunny

Here I was ready to discard everyone and everything and dwell in isolation- but the Lord woke me from my delusion and brought me into a friendly company where my soul was greatly revived and that there is a sweetness in family and friendships. I ought to show more love and be the first in displaying loving affections rather than waiting to be loved and to be served. I should follow in that godly example of serving others before myself - oh what sweet love and delight in company. And you dear Sunny are a sweet example - I am sure that if you were here I should nit have felt such a depressing emotion. Come soon my dearest friend!



The writings of Sunny Caane

 Dear Sunny

Was I the devil sent to prevent a happy thing? Bless God it was him and not me that I should have now by Jove ruined a splendid theme. But care I much about their glad tidings - nay, no care of jealousy only a moment of applause for their blessed unity. My eyes have longed moved past her shores and doubts about her beauty now to me appear so flawed - but will I take a seat at the table of their love or be far too busy if they should call? The evening light dims and I am indeed peaceful in my dreams occupied by a lady too high for me to obtain, but prayers are prayed when hope is all that remains! I try to find the tears dear Sunny but no emotions arise, it is as if I go about my day with no thoughts of her until just like one trips upon a rock, the rock comes to mind for a brief moment, then one goes about their day. 

Your dearest friend


Miscellanies 130

 When we need help we want God to look at us and hear us - we want his attention, but when we sin we want him to overlook us or in many cases, we are not even concerned or care or not aware that he sees us. Such is this generation and there are many who do not seek him or delight in him but want his gifts. O help us dear Lord have a pure heart that seeks first your kingdom.


Tuesday, 29 December 2020

If it is well then it is well

If it is well then it is well. 
If it all falls apart then I must not fall with it.
If I do fall then I fall given my all
If my all is not enough 
Then it is enough that it is not enough.
I have regrets few and far between
Many poor decisions
Too many days spent in sin.
When Jesus returns 
I don't know what day He will come
But I believe I would have met him long before He returns.
What is my future depends on what I have done with my past
Or is it my present that determines what will come?
I hold my head high
But my heart is filled with shame
Until I remember that Jesus takes it all away.
Why do I linger and not pursue my dreams?
I fear that I will fail but in standing still, I have already failed.
But do I have a dream and if so what is it?
Was it the dream of when I was nine
Or the one I desire when I was twenty-nine.
Let your kingdom come
Let your love descend
Let me be an instrument for your kingdom come. 


Monday, 28 December 2020

Was a thief

It is almost to the new year
The wild wolves shed no tears.
What the winter was 
Did bring a grandeur loss.
Merry-making slept with the summer
A bashful silence at the stroke of the hammer.
On a vengeful cliff
Will he find relief?
But his woman was a thief!


Thursday, 24 December 2020

A prayer for my soul

 Ah, my sins are numerous as the stars. They encompass me and I wish they were already gone and I were completely without them. But I am. What a misery and a sigh. O, for a remedy and that remedy is Christ. He has given me his Spirit and how often I grieve him even after confessing that I will live entirely for Him yet I stumble. What weakness! For the godly ought not to be in the counsel of the wicked or entertain wicked thoughts or do wicked things. O, that I may love my neighbour and my enemies entirely and treat each one with nothing but love! But often I find self-glorification within me when I should do all to the glory of God. O, humility where art thou? Pride is the crown on my head and revenge the hidden meaning behind my smile. O corruptible soul of mine, be gone and let me walk in the steps of the Spirit. O, for mercy and grace. O, for me to eternally depart from fruitless ways. I can only pray and hope and fight the daily fight of killing sin. O, I must not for a moment cease this war and through Christ, the victory must be won!


Saturday, 19 December 2020

Prayer for my Soul

 I must by all means strive to be holy in all of my occurrences. O, I have dwelt in the sorrow of my soul and lingered long in the awfulness and sadness of my ways. I have neglected that happy duty of prayer and reading the word which gives life to the soul. O, I have lingered in the dark and pass the time by watching tv when there are souls that are going to hell at this very hour and many of my fellow brothers and sisters are persecuted worldwide. There are many now without hope in Christ and I should be lingering in prayer in love for my neighbour but I dwell in pity and think only of myself and that I do not do so well. O for sanctifying grace, for the sweet forgiveness of Christ to be poured over my sorry self. 


Thursday, 3 December 2020

A prayer for my Soul

 O, good Lord, My sins are many. How I wish to be already perfected in sanctification that I may lead a life wholly pleasing to you. I must indeed forget my sins of yesterday and resolve now more than ever to live for you. Indeed the days are evil, the ruler of this world is more eager on his intent to kill and destroy Christians because as each day passes, is a day closer to his eternal doom in the pits of hell. O, that I may be awake and have joy in my heart as to be satisfied with all I have from the Lord. O, teach me to love all. Teach me sweet tender care that `I may consider other's interest before my own. Grant me a heart of humility and wisdom. Forgive me for all of my evil intent. You see it all and know it all. But you O Lord are all-merciful and will forgive us our sins when we confess them in the name of thy dear Son, who is the lover of my soul.


I've been wondering

I've been wondering on a road That goes nowhere but here and there Because nowhere is still here and there. When a life ends, it ends an...