Dear Sunny,
As I look back, there were many ladies who loved me that I paid no attention to. Now I see the agonies of their heart as I was totally blinded to their love for me. Foolish ladies! They should have made it obvious and drew my attention in such a blatant way that I could not have missed it. But instead, they put a cloud upon their love as the clouds hide the sun. Ah, ladies who were unworthy of my delight, or perhaps it was not as if they were unworthy but in that season of my spirited soul, I was not drawn to them as to count them lovely or perhaps even now I may not count them as anything fanciful except to take pleasure in their sisterliness. Ah, such is the way of love that only a few experience the love of one throughout their lives. Love is not something that comes easily for me nor do I seek it, for I am of that pure soul, yea like Christ and Paul to live alone - alone with God for only He can understand the true depths of my need which no woman can satisfy. This is why I am to go up and live in the mountain for a whole year - not to eschew humanity forever but to satisfy my soul in this lonesomeness and then to return fully for a lifetime and give all that I have to the poor and perhaps I’ll be worthy to die a martyrs death and if not so, perhaps my words will live for a thousand years pointing to Christ and the awesomeness of his infinite beauty and how it should be all of our daily duty to seek him first and him alone then everything will be put in its proper place.
I will come and see you my dear Sunny before I depart, for you are the closest one to me and I will miss you dearly my long-time sunshine friend. Deep were the joys in my soul in our youthful hours when leisure was all that we had. Keep well dear friend!