Sunday 12 July 2020

The writings of Sunny Caane

Dear Sunny 

It has been a while since I have sought your face. Your remarkable grace always bring a smile to my heart whenever I think of you. I have been altogether well although recently my heart was heavy with grief. Yes, heavy due to the sins of my nations and of my neighbours, it weighs me down and sleep is far from me. Each night I mourn and plead with God to change their hearts, to open their eyes to the wickedness of their ways. Even those in the same church as me think me too dramatic, too high upon the mountain that they say to me to come down and see that the road is not as crooked as I think it is. But I mourn as I see the absolute depravity of their ways in so much as I compare it to the infinite holiness of God. They do not seek him and even those at my church who claim to seek him do so flippantly. They have no reverence or courtesy! In my many prayers, God has sought fit to lift me up and to have hope and this is why my heavy grief has ceased. I pray one day that they all share my evangelical faith, yea I pray that they have it to a better degree than I currently do.


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