Sunday 1 September 2013

I know a girl

I know a girl of whom one can say that she is one in ten thousand. That is, a girl in ten thousand. She is as she is, that is of a heavenly heart and full of kindness and gentleness. Her soft nature is of comfort to many a soul. If ever any human had a sunshine emanating from them, then it is her. I suppose that men have been blind around her not to desire or determine to have her as their own. For she shall be a security and a safe refuge. I have only admirations for her and praises. I have only the best wishes and the highest salutations. I do not say that she has no sin, for I am sure that she has. Sure, she would have her own ailments, but this I do say, namely that she goes and receives her treatment from that king of physician, namely Jesus Christ. Indeed she is the best of wines and Christ has reserved her for times as these - that in her life she may bless the children of this generation. I am in comparison not worthy of a comparison and I do from her book of life take notes on what it means to be a friend, on what it is to be a caring friend. Perhaps I lift up my pen too loftily and perhaps she may read this and consider my words to be for some other figure, like I was speaking of Mary herself. But, indeed, this is how my eyes sees your deeds and although we often think worse of ourselves for we are our own worse critics, yet you must let me write that which I think true in my heart. And as I enjoy your deeds and service to humanity through the windows of my life, I am sure that in fifty years time, when I am long buried and forgotten, that in heaven Christ shall still be calling his angels and saints to come, look and see the meek woman who represents his name as good as any redeemed woman could. O it is all of grace. And my prayer for you is the same, namely that your enjoyment and satisfaction may increase in Christ, who is your heavenly husband. May you find nourishment and strength in his bosom. Continue to be as you are, namely a walking light that lights up the path for those of us in the darkness. Continue to be a mother unto us who are but children in need of guidance, who are in need of rest. I am but a brother, a very poor brother and you are a sister, yea, the best of kinds, yea, one in ten thousand.


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