Thursday, 31 December 2020

The Writings of Sunny Caane

 Dear Sunny

Here I was ready to discard everyone and everything and dwell in isolation- but the Lord woke me from my delusion and brought me into a friendly company where my soul was greatly revived and that there is a sweetness in family and friendships. I ought to show more love and be the first in displaying loving affections rather than waiting to be loved and to be served. I should follow in that godly example of serving others before myself - oh what sweet love and delight in company. And you dear Sunny are a sweet example - I am sure that if you were here I should nit have felt such a depressing emotion. Come soon my dearest friend!



The writings of Sunny Caane

 Dear Sunny

Was I the devil sent to prevent a happy thing? Bless God it was him and not me that I should have now by Jove ruined a splendid theme. But care I much about their glad tidings - nay, no care of jealousy only a moment of applause for their blessed unity. My eyes have longed moved past her shores and doubts about her beauty now to me appear so flawed - but will I take a seat at the table of their love or be far too busy if they should call? The evening light dims and I am indeed peaceful in my dreams occupied by a lady too high for me to obtain, but prayers are prayed when hope is all that remains! I try to find the tears dear Sunny but no emotions arise, it is as if I go about my day with no thoughts of her until just like one trips upon a rock, the rock comes to mind for a brief moment, then one goes about their day. 

Your dearest friend


Miscellanies 130

 When we need help we want God to look at us and hear us - we want his attention, but when we sin we want him to overlook us or in many cases, we are not even concerned or care or not aware that he sees us. Such is this generation and there are many who do not seek him or delight in him but want his gifts. O help us dear Lord have a pure heart that seeks first your kingdom.


Tuesday, 29 December 2020

If it is well then it is well

If it is well then it is well. 
If it all falls apart then I must not fall with it.
If I do fall then I fall given my all
If my all is not enough 
Then it is enough that it is not enough.
I have regrets few and far between
Many poor decisions
Too many days spent in sin.
When Jesus returns 
I don't know what day He will come
But I believe I would have met him long before He returns.
What is my future depends on what I have done with my past
Or is it my present that determines what will come?
I hold my head high
But my heart is filled with shame
Until I remember that Jesus takes it all away.
Why do I linger and not pursue my dreams?
I fear that I will fail but in standing still, I have already failed.
But do I have a dream and if so what is it?
Was it the dream of when I was nine
Or the one I desire when I was twenty-nine.
Let your kingdom come
Let your love descend
Let me be an instrument for your kingdom come. 


Monday, 28 December 2020

Was a thief

It is almost to the new year
The wild wolves shed no tears.
What the winter was 
Did bring a grandeur loss.
Merry-making slept with the summer
A bashful silence at the stroke of the hammer.
On a vengeful cliff
Will he find relief?
But his woman was a thief!


Thursday, 24 December 2020

A prayer for my soul

 Ah, my sins are numerous as the stars. They encompass me and I wish they were already gone and I were completely without them. But I am. What a misery and a sigh. O, for a remedy and that remedy is Christ. He has given me his Spirit and how often I grieve him even after confessing that I will live entirely for Him yet I stumble. What weakness! For the godly ought not to be in the counsel of the wicked or entertain wicked thoughts or do wicked things. O, that I may love my neighbour and my enemies entirely and treat each one with nothing but love! But often I find self-glorification within me when I should do all to the glory of God. O, humility where art thou? Pride is the crown on my head and revenge the hidden meaning behind my smile. O corruptible soul of mine, be gone and let me walk in the steps of the Spirit. O, for mercy and grace. O, for me to eternally depart from fruitless ways. I can only pray and hope and fight the daily fight of killing sin. O, I must not for a moment cease this war and through Christ, the victory must be won!


Saturday, 19 December 2020

Prayer for my Soul

 I must by all means strive to be holy in all of my occurrences. O, I have dwelt in the sorrow of my soul and lingered long in the awfulness and sadness of my ways. I have neglected that happy duty of prayer and reading the word which gives life to the soul. O, I have lingered in the dark and pass the time by watching tv when there are souls that are going to hell at this very hour and many of my fellow brothers and sisters are persecuted worldwide. There are many now without hope in Christ and I should be lingering in prayer in love for my neighbour but I dwell in pity and think only of myself and that I do not do so well. O for sanctifying grace, for the sweet forgiveness of Christ to be poured over my sorry self. 


Thursday, 3 December 2020

A prayer for my Soul

 O, good Lord, My sins are many. How I wish to be already perfected in sanctification that I may lead a life wholly pleasing to you. I must indeed forget my sins of yesterday and resolve now more than ever to live for you. Indeed the days are evil, the ruler of this world is more eager on his intent to kill and destroy Christians because as each day passes, is a day closer to his eternal doom in the pits of hell. O, that I may be awake and have joy in my heart as to be satisfied with all I have from the Lord. O, teach me to love all. Teach me sweet tender care that `I may consider other's interest before my own. Grant me a heart of humility and wisdom. Forgive me for all of my evil intent. You see it all and know it all. But you O Lord are all-merciful and will forgive us our sins when we confess them in the name of thy dear Son, who is the lover of my soul.


Saturday, 21 November 2020

The Writings of Sunny Caane

 Dear Sunny,

As I look back, there were many ladies who loved me that I paid no attention to. Now I see the agonies of their heart as I was totally blinded to their love for me. Foolish ladies! They should have made it obvious and drew my attention in such a blatant way that I could not have missed it. But instead, they put a cloud upon their love as the clouds hide the sun. Ah, ladies who were unworthy of my delight, or perhaps it was not as if they were unworthy but in that season of my spirited soul, I was not drawn to them as to count them lovely or perhaps even now I may not count them as anything fanciful except to take pleasure in their sisterliness. Ah, such is the way of love that only a few experience the love of one throughout their lives. Love is not something that comes easily for me nor do I seek it, for I am of that pure soul, yea like Christ and Paul to live alone - alone with God for only He can understand the true depths of my need which no woman can satisfy. This is why I am to go up and live in the mountain for a whole year - not to eschew humanity forever but to satisfy my soul in this lonesomeness and then to return fully for a lifetime and give all that I have to the poor and perhaps I’ll be worthy to die a martyrs death and if not so, perhaps my words will live for a thousand years pointing to Christ and the awesomeness of his infinite beauty and how it should be all of our daily duty to seek him first and him alone then everything will be put in its proper place.

I will come and see you my dear Sunny before I depart, for you are the closest one to me and I will miss you dearly my long-time sunshine friend. Deep were the joys in my soul in our youthful hours when leisure was all that we had. Keep well dear friend!



Wednesday, 18 November 2020

The writings of Sunny Caane

 O my dear beloved Sunny

Read the words I penned the other night.

By the water of the Thames, there I sat down and wept as I remembered her. On her chest I often laid my head to rest and in grieve she was taken from me, and the people looked upon me with malice saying always that I deserved not a beautiful woman like her. How shall I love again when she is gone? If I forget her, let my eyes be taken away from me as to never gaze upon anything of beauty. Be warned you evildoers that there comes a day when my beloved will rise and I will once again rise in strength and dash your little ones against the rocks.



Her beauty is marvelous

Her beauty is marvelous- splendid to the sight.

A distinctive delight to all the joys of my heart. 

What is her name and what is her mother’s name that I may give thanks and honor to the one who begot her.


The feelings of the Holy Spirit

Many have acquainted the feeling of the Holy Spirit with nonsense such as in the falling to the ground or hysterical laughter or speaking in gibberish. Fools! The feelings of the Holy Spirit consist mainly in the desire to obey Christ and of love towards him and his kingdom and in practically walking in love and living in joy and peace in Christ. It is written, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:22-23.‬ These are the feelings and lasting work of the Holy Spirit.


The last day for the Christian

I was married to Christ upon my conversion for the better or the worse. This I understood when I made my vow! Now that I am in a very miserable state and have no daily comfort in the world's eyes, and many are calling me to divorce Him, with the devil himself leading the charge - shall I acquiesce? Fools! They know not that my faith is unshaken because of Him who has me and has taken hold of me and will never let me go and I will never let go of him. I understood His calling when He called me. He made it very clear that I must carry my cross if I am to follow Him. And indeed I have by His grace. It has been for the worse in this world but how sweet his comforts were in the deepest of my darkness. O, that last day here will yet be my best day.


Sunday, 15 November 2020

Why am I wide awake in the dead of night

In the dead of night, I am wide awake

She said goodbye, she wasn’t feeling my ways
I made no arguments, no plea for her to stay
Then why am I wide awake in the dead of night?

I drink to feel the feelings again
It makes me brave but I know that it is too late
For me to call and I know you won’t reply to my verse. 
Yet I’m not in ache,
In the day there was no craving for you
Then why am I wide awake in the dead of night?


You can never find me again

Can we talk this out 

Or is it impossible now? 

You said you don’t need my bed

Well, I’m not sorry to learn 

That you have not found rest. 

You can never find me again 

And I’ll never find you again.  


To find the heartbeat that got away

From a field of gold, I flew all the way home  

Trying to capture you in a bottle of smoke  

I reached out to the birds of the summer 

To find the heartbeat that got away.  


Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Sometimes I think does prayer work

 I am unworthy in every single way. Sometimes I think does prayer work? If God who is sovereign is able to do as He pleases and not constrained by anything not even by the free will of man, then why are the things I prayed for not come to pass? I do not linger on this feeling of thoughts for I take every thought captive to obey the ways of Christ. God is indeed Sovereign and does as He pleases. It is not for me to doubt but to believe that all that comes my way is for my good. And if I have influenced any of it due to my disobedience leading God to take away certain things from me which would have led to my destruction, then all the more praise to his glorious ways and inscrutable wisdom. O, how marvelous that He should overlook some of my desires and I should be where I am. My only thoughts now are to walk in obedience and submission to Him and to pray all the more eagerly as the day approaches.


Monday, 9 November 2020


 Ah, Monday, here you are
I wonder what you will bring me
Or what will I give to thee?
Will I be fortunate
Favoured by a divine decree of good news
Or will I plod on with no changes to my existence?
I bid you well my soul
Drink in the Joy of the Lord
And work hard as time ticks idly by.
Who will come my way?
Will it be her or him
Them or they?
Whoever it maybe
I pray they find me kind!


Sunday, 8 November 2020

The Joy of Confession

O, good Lord, how gracious you have been to me in the past two months when all I deserved was death because of my sins. Yet you show mercy for indeed you are the Father of all mercies and I am sweetly glad that you count not my sins against me. Let it be known and be to me a witness that I indeed surrender my life wholly to thee again and will be in the business of living out the principles and law of your beloved Son in whom is all of my blessings. May I always remember Him in my temptations remembering what it cost Him and then depart from all of my wicked ways. O you have been good to me!


Saturday, 7 November 2020

The writings of Sunny Caane

 Dear Sunny

Below is in regard to a letter I sent to my beloved Deloria who has now deserted me without a word, just a silent stance she takes toward me.

Ah, Deloria, what shall I say that my heart is troubled because of thee? It is in anguish! Not because of eros love but that of brotherly love. I fear you have mistaken my feelings to think that I am in love with you or seek the sweetness of your kiss. Such a desire is not in my heart. What is in my soul is your happiness. It is the ever-increasing serene jovial joy that I wish upon you. It grieves me because you are now in pain and I can do nothing to soothe you because you eschew me. If I have done anything to bring you to such a thought, then I along with everything good ask for your forgiveness. But if hating me eases your pain in any meaningful way then hate me the most. Such is my delicate care for you that I believe that you have the bluest eyes, fairer than the bluest sky. O, to see you again and talk. I believe I shall be like a balm on your wounds. Perhaps I speak too highly of myself but in any and all ways I am sorry if I have done you any wrong but I want to assure you that I have none of that feeling of physical intimacy in me for you although you are very desirable and a precious jewel. I do not wish you to be the ring upon my finger but more like a friend across a small table who share a hearty meal and then you rest upon my breast like John the Apostle when he rested his weary head on the Messiah' chest.

Yours now and forever



Monday, 2 November 2020

Forgive me Lord for my sins

 Forgive me Lord for my sins
The hardness of my heart astounds me.
How is it that I neglect your table of delight 
And feast on the table of sin.
O wretched man that I am
Unbelievably wretched.
But there is hope in trusting thee
There is hope in your mercy.
May it lead me to repentance!
May this week be lived in holiness.


Sunday, 1 November 2020

Her beauty was beyond this world

Her beauty was beyond this world
Blue within blue eyes -
A masterpiece like Eve unlike any other of her kind.
A sweet delight to the sight
And how much more delightful to touch and adore.


Many hearts have many thoughts about a host of things

 Ah, you see many hearts have many thoughts about a host of things, and many of those things are wicked. Yet Christ stands at the door and knocks and they will not give him admittance - such is the hearts of men that in their sinful folly they deny themselves the highest good. And how many Christians who ought to have Christ in their heart all day instead have sinful and lustful thoughts and walk with them and gladly entertain them through their day. And even in the night when they ought to dream about his kingdom, they dream much more about establishing their own kingdom on this earth. It is pitiful that we Christians have not stood out as radiant light to this decaying and dying culture and not made it plain without any doubt that we are indeed light and the world around us is in deep darkness. Jesus was the best of examples - He was a Marvelous light to the Jews and they crucified him because their own deeds were evil and his was good without fault. Woe to the prosperity teachers today who spend their pulpit promising death rather than eternal life.


The beauty of God's love

 The beauty of God's love towards us is that he loves us despite us being absolutely unlovable in every moral sense. We are filth and shameful, yet he sets his eyes upon us. How marvelous, how delightful! Our proper place ought to be an eternity in hell for disobeying and disbelieving in God and not following his perfect way. Whatever we may think of our will, one thing is sure namely that the evil in it is entirely our own and origin.


Good deed

 Ah, good deed - look how good you make me feel and relieve me of all my guilt but thou art deceptive in your remedy. Too many have settled on your glistening shores and bountiful forest, picking at thy sweet fruits and laying themselves to rest in the cool of the evening. But I will not rest in thee for in the end you will damn me and say in front of thy God that 'I have fallen miserably short in meeting the standards He has set forth for mankind and that it is none of your faults if doing thy work gave me some comfort and rest to ease my conscience. It was never my intention to do so but like the scattered rays of the light upon the earth to create a rainbow so are my deeds when done.


The writings of Sunny Caaane

Dear Sunny

My confidence is in her because she loves me. It is indeed entirely natural and not forced or if it was forced then it was all my natural qualities that forced my love upon her. She wants not my money or status but just me and my devotion. She wants to be loved by me which is to be expected and wants me to be entirely open to her and to confide in her in all things in my heart and for me to never feel a shade of mistrust from her. 

But can I love so entirely as she loves me? I fear I am so stricken that I cannot let myself loose as she is willing for me to give. There will always be a part of me kept hidden from her and that part is a mystery to myself for I love the long solitary walks and time alone into the deep night. She wants some of that time if not all. 

She has such a selfish and noble love. I can give her some of that time but can I converse with her the deep things of my soul as I do with my diary and with you. She wants to be my pen or rather the paper on which I pour all my thoughts.

I am coming to see you in two days' time. Oh, how happy I am!



She is long gone

 She is long gone
Another pretender that I pretend, 
With no intention
I hold her 
In my forgotten dreams.
A happy memory 
Of which she has no glean
Of my endless happy scenes. 
I pray with no hope
But I pray and pray
And reach out with no hope.
The more I say, the hopeless my theme.
The drink and the music drown my misery
Each day a prolonged drab.


The days are agonizingly long

 The days are agonizingly long
Stretching deplorably towards a bitter song.
Understanding nothing of my own pain
Looking ahead there is nothing to gain. 
What to make of friends and foe
I'm disturbed by a word not sowed.
Casual conversations are a nuisance
Deep talks I eschew for its translucence.
Nobody calls because I refuse to talk
Lost in my own soul, but I won't walk.


Saturday, 17 October 2020

The writings of Sunny Caane

 Dear Sunny

Ah, the familiarity of loneliness sipping into my memories as I sit under this enchanted sky. Too many stars above, I wondered if they knew each other and talked to one another and shared chivalrous dreams of love. But what does it matter if anything ever mattered? The sun is hidden, the clinching proof of night and insensible flies agonising my skin. My lack of action agonizes me. My indecision, my indifference to the injustice far away and near me. Why do I sleep the night away and work as a slave during the day? Why do I eat out of necessity and constantly breathe? Why am I not a God, a buddha, a prophet, a messiah, an ambition, the end of all desires, at the top of the food chain, the beginning, and the end? Why must I look a man in the eye and woo a woman? Why must my inner reflection not be seen in a mirror and why was I born?

Ah, the universe is as it is. It just is. Its ever-flowing ebb of cordial indifference to my questions and sufferings. And why must I suffer? Why must I eat and be merry and be a slave to a woman's beauty? Why O Sunny is love not a choice and death a sting? Ah, my memories of your friendship are what keeps me sane and from being crucified to my daily sorrows. Some say I drink too much, but what do they know about too much? What does anyone know about a person's feelings?

But you know, my dear Sunny - You are my defence and elevation. Come soon so that I can rest in the comfort of your tower, safe from this horrifying thunderstorm.



Tuesday, 13 October 2020

The writings of Sunny Caane

My Sunny

I wrote this the other day to the lady I have grown to admire and was careless in my approach towards her and now I have no chance of ever gaining her love. All the fault is mine.

My Illycia,

It occurred to me late last night in a progressive dream that I indeed loved you. My lapse in judgment in the words written and spoken o you must be forgiven. Like a careless word that angers the soul, so were my words that I wrote to you. At that moment I was not a thinking man nor accredited in what I had to say. This is to portray to you my sorry heart. I only began to love you upon reflection and realized your authority over me. See now how I am affected and have become a slave to your ladyship. Today I have long looked at your artful picture, artful indeed because it is beneficent and beyond beautiful. Those deep bold hazel eyes are blazoned with bright zeal for vigilance in doing good to all especially to those who belong to Christ. Ah, I see it now. Cursed be my blindness that I indeed was careless before you and approached you with a half-hearted will. When we met the other day, I had forgotten that we had met before and engaged in a prolonged dialogue. O, how I resent my waywardness towards you. I do not know if I'll ever see you again or if you will ever write back to me. I will delight to see you again. It is now my daily prayer. Do as you wish, but let charity lead your thoughts toward me.



Sunday, 11 October 2020

Wretched man that I am

Wretched man that I am - O, how wretched! How I wish I was already perfect or indeed more holy. May the good Lord always look upon me with mercy. I can only ask for mercy; only plea on the grounds of the blood of Christ! O to live wholeheartedly for the Lord and to leave all of my besetting sins at once. O that I may not loiter. Blessed indeed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.


Saturday, 10 October 2020

A Treatise of Self Denial

 “You must deny yourself always; it must not be temporary and vanishing. In a good mood we can give up and renounce all, and be humble, and ascribe all to grace. We may hang the head for a day like a bulrush, Isa.58. There should be a constant sense of our unworthiness kept up, and a purpose of renouncing all and giving up all. It is not enough to deny a man's self in a thing wherein there is no pleasure, and when his soul abhors dainty food, but it must be in things which are desirable, and this must be constantly practiced too. Ahab humbled himself for a few days.”

Excerpt From

A Treatise of Self Denial

Thomas Manton

They shall see God.

Many are not pure in heart because their desire to see God is too weak.

It is weak indeed. Let us not delude ourselves of our desire to see God when we easily give in to sin. Our Lord said, 'Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.' 

They shall see God. 

Yea, they shall see God and feel His presence and nearness. They will be as Moses in the tent when the Lord visited Him. Their face will shine and their communion with the Lord will be sweet and delightful. 

Many desire to see God but they are not willing to part with their impurity. 

It is simple. Be Holy! And you will see Him.

Ah, this is indeed a difficult thing for I am a wretched man and who shall deliver me? Who? Jesus Christ indeed. He alone is my deliverer. 

So each day let me be upon my knees and beseech the Lord Almighty that I may see him and have his presence. 


The writings of Sunny Canne

Dear Sunny

You are indeed my delight, the friend of my heart. I wrote this the other day and it is my pleasure to share it with you. I know that you are coming soon and what pleasant days await us. The river shall be our view and the evening stars will keep us company as in our youth.

Ah, poor man that I am. Will she accept me? That’s not for me to decide! It’s entirely up to her. My whole business is to tell her the whole truth about me and be humble about it. That’s all I can do. And if she does think me worthy of her time then I shall do all I can to meet her expectations. Even if she were to accept me, I must not then be full of pride but to continue with the same humility. She is indeed a precious jewel, a prized possession in the eyes of God. And if she is so prized and adored by God, shall I not treat her with all care and gentleness knowing that I will give an account to her Lord at the end of all my days. Above all, shall I not lead her in the path of holiness and ensure that I am not the man to lead her into the house of sin. I may not lead her by green pastures, she has a shepherd for that and He alone is fit for that task but I can love her until I have exhausted all of my love and even then, I lean in the strength of the Lord which is never failing and never-ending. So I am sure that as long as I keep my eyes on him I shall always love her and not fail her according to his will.


Voice of praise

Let me once again rise and take my position among my brethren. In a position of humility, serving all and leading them all with the voice of praise.


I am a traveler and there are two ways before me

I am a traveler and there are two ways before me. This way seems awfully pleasant and delightful. 

I see green pastures ahead and a smooth road to follow. But this way to my left has a danger sign upon it. 

It reeks of death and I cannot see beyond its darkness. 

I guess at this point it is not worth asking which I prefer. 

The proper question is where is my destination and which way leads there.

Ah, it is the way that reeks of death that leads to my destination and it is the way I shall go. 

Shall I now forsake my end and take the road of delight?

If I was not so willed and hard-headed as many say, then I can be fickle and change upon this whim. 

But my destination is engraved in my heart and come life or death, I will not forsake it.


The writings of Sunny Caane - Another dream

Dear Sunny

I wrote the words below the other night. I wish you were here to comfort me and offer me wise words.

Ah, a failure. I could see it in her eyes -

The disappointment -
The scarcity in her thoughts to find anything good.
And do I hold my head in shame? 
Do I bereft myself and eat dust because she shuns me.
O I hate rejection! I despise it.
I hate it because of my skin and what is beneath.
If I was another and in a better position she would have agreed and loved it.
But I am scared, afraid to go after another
And at the same time, I can only be honest with myself
And give what I have.
I cannot give what I do not have
And if it befits not her fancy then it is adieu.
She is tall and elegant -
A divine beauty.
The woman of my right hand!
But it is a dream  - yes another dream!!



Monday, 21 September 2020

I cannot give you what you seek

Aragorn: Why have you come?

Eowyn: Do you not know?

Aragorn: It is but a shadow and a thought that you love. I cannot give you what you seek.

The line above is from Lord of the rings the film. 

Eowyn fell in love with Aragorn but Aragorn was already in love with someone else. Legolas once said of Aragorn, "For all those who come to know him [Aragorn] come to love him after their own fashion, even the cold maiden of the Rohirrim." 

Eowyn loved him but Aragorn knew that, "in me she loves only a shadow and a thought: a hope of glory and great deeds, and lands far from the fields of Rohan." 

Nevertheless, Aragorn could not return her love and it is so in many cases in this world. There are those we love and admire and only wish for them to love us back, but it is not their destiny to love us as we desire.  They cannot give us what we seek, but God can. 

Eowyn's case did not end in tragedy for she found another love, one which was better for her.

The Christian must always put his whole life in God's hands. Unrequited love is a bitter thing but true faith looks to the giver of all things and admires his ways.  They understand that God can give them what they truly seek and even if they don't understand it now, that they will understand it then when they see Him face to face. 

Everlasting love begins here. If you have given your life to Jesus, you have an eternal love story that will never end.

If marriage is not your portion and you sigh at your singleness until the day of your death, know this that at the point of your death, your sorrows will cease. And you will see the golden chain that binds you to Christ. 


Psalm 32: An Exposition

David begins this Psalm with a joyful note. He writes Vs 1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven; whose sin is covered. 

Here we see a happy man, a relieved man, an undeserving man, and a thankful man. He is all these things because he has been giving what he does not deserve namely, the forgiveness of his transgression and the covering of his sin. What David deserves was judgment and a lengthy sentence for his crimes, but he finds mercy at the end of the hammer. David considers himself to be blessed because his transgression is forgiven and his sin is covered.  

How many Christians consider themselves to be blessed when they have been forgiven from sin which is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature, (Grudem). How many are in this state of gratitude that they are blessed because their sins have been covered and their transgressions forgiven? Not many because they are not sensible to the true horror of not being forgiven and remaining under condemnation which is the state of all unbelievers. This horror is great indeed!  

Death levels all in the human realm, that is in the courts and among friends and enemies. If a person decides not to forgive someone until their death, then death will cut off their hatred and the individual that is not forgiven, even though they feel guilt and were punished, these instruments will only last until their death. But it is not so with God. If God decides not to forgive someone, that unforgiveness will last for eternity and the unforgiven person will never escape either their guilt and punishment. It is everlasting!  

Any anguish of the soul that they felt was horrific in this life will not compare to that eternity being in God’s disfavor and displeasure. The wrath of the lamb is awful enough on his return but even worse is the wrath of the whole trinity in hell upon the sons of disobedience. Jesus offered such warnings to his contemporaries when he said to them, ‘And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.’ But this fell on many deaf ears. Just consider Judas! 

This is why David considers the forgiven man to be blessed. Oh, how happy David was that God has forgiven him for his transgression that he committed against Bathsheba. He was happy because he can be at peace with God. He can come again to the throne and bask in the delight of God’s presence. This staying away had rotted his soul, had made him extremely miserable because a heart that truly loves God can only play the hypocrite for a while and then after, the Spirit inside him brings him to such a grieved state that unless he knows that he is forgiven then he is sure to commit suicide because it becomes unbearable.  

The blessedness continues in verse 2. Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity. It is not blessed enough for his transgression to be forgiven or his sin to be covered, but God no longer counts his iniquity or any of his iniquities against him. He is completely forgiven and fully justified. No wrongdoing will bring the wrath of God on him as to send him to hell. He can come fully to the entrance of meeting and offer his gift. He can approach the throne because there he will find grace. He will find comfort.  

It is written that if we confess our sins, he is faithful and will forgive us. Only unbelief lingers with the burden of guilt. Only unbelief stays in the mire. True faith weeps over one’s own sins and then turns to God for deliverance. In fact, he not only turns but accepts God at his word that all who turn to him through his Son are forgiven. It is said that in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 

This is why God no longer counts the iniquity of the blessed man against him because in Christ the blessed man has become the righteousness of God. He is clothed in the beauty of Jesus. He wears his clothes! When Jesus saw Nathaniel coming towards him, Jesus said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” It is not that Nathaniel did not have his fault because surely, he was a sinner, but that he was honest about it. He was no hypocrite. So is the blessed man. Knowing that you are forgiven by God does not mean that we start saying that we have no sin. That is deceitful. Yes, we do have sin but it is forgiven in Christ Jesus and we live a daily life of repentance. It is important to confess our sins because Vs 3 when David kept silent, his bones wasted away through his groaning all day long.  

The wicked are perhaps not blessed to have such a godly grief afflict their soul. Rather than living comfortably in his sin, and living on his life as if there was no enmity between him and God, David’s bone wasted away. The guilt of his transgression will not let him rest. God has broken his bones; He has made his flesh and skin waste away. His groaning comes from his wandering dissatisfied heart. This happens all day long!  

O saint of Christ, what heavy burden weighs you down? Search deep in your heart and find the sin. Find the awful wickedness that you have committed that grieves the Spirit. As long as the Spirit in you is grieving, you will grieve too. You can kiss joy and happiness good bye. Wave it adieu because Vs4 for day and night His hand will be heavy upon you; your strength will dry up as by the heat of summer.  

Woe are they whom the Lord has removed his hand. The Spirit has departed from them and ceased his work of conviction. They are left in the futility of their sins. In fact, they are so hardened that they call good evil and evil good. They have simply been given over to reap the fruits of their ways. But it is not so with God’s beloved. Many saints go to heaven in sorrow. They do not know the bliss that comes from righteous living. It is only when the mortal is swallowed up by the immortal do they first taste consistently the joy of their salvation. O dear saint, cast of your old clothes and put on Christ. You can enjoy sweet fellowship with the Spirit by setting your mind on the things which are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  

You can cease your languishing! David Vs 5 acknowledged his sin to God, and he did not cover his iniquity; He said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.” O, say it right now sorrowful saint. Say it! Be on your knees and dare not look to heaven, but prostrate yourself on the floor and in humility cry out, have mercy on me!  

O cry it out because your soul is in anguish. Let your prayer match your emotions. Acknowledge your sin, acknowledge it! There are many at this moment who stand in condemnation that will not acknowledge their sin to the Lord. They know it not that they are in such an awful state. They know not that it is God who is at this moment keeping them from hell. But you dear Christian, acknowledge your sin - live in the fullness of the Spirit. Acknowledge it because you have the full assurance that God will forgive you. When David confessed his transgressions, the LORD forgave the iniquity of his sin.


David was forgiven and is it not written that if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. O, when you confess your sin right now, see the promise. Do you see it? Do you believe it? For if you do then you are forgiven and cleansed of all of your unrighteousness. You have no more sins to be forgiven of, you need no more cleansing. It is true that there is a continual cleansing and a once for all cleansing that has been done to you. when you first believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit, and forgiven and eternally justified. There is also a continual cleansing, that is the cleansing of our conscience - the cleansing of our soul in our daily living so that our communion with the Father and His Son will be sweet and we continue to walk in the light and have fellowship with one another. God gladly forgives us when we acknowledge our sins to him. He holds no grudges. It is outlandish - it is limitless, it is endless!  

Because of this Vs 6 Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. Yes, pray at this moment while you are still breathing that God may restore the joy of your salvation, and uphold you with a willing spirit.  

The flesh is weak as the disciples found out; it is weak indeed even in the most intense moment. They slept whilst they should have prayed and thus deserted the Lord in his most needful hour. Too many Christians sleep through their salvation; rather than fasting from the world they fast from prayer. They feast on the fat of the world and irregularly eat on the bones of prayer. No wonder there are too many weak brothers and sisters. No wonder the enemy has gained so much ground in their lives because they forget that they are to be godly and to offer up prayers because in a favorable time he listens to us and in a day of salvation, he helps us. 


Now is the favorable time. Today is the day of salvation. This is the hour that when we seek Him, we will find him. Yea we will find Him ready to forgive us. But be warned ye carnal Christians if there is such a thing as carnal Christians that if you miss the day of salvation and then proceed to call on him like the foolish virgins, that He will not hear you. He will not answer you even if you seek him diligently. You will not find him! He will refuse your prayers and cast you into eternal hell for you were never His.  

But the godly should pray now. The godly will pray now. Pray diligently because even if you are in great trouble, and the water is about to sweep over you, your enemies will not reach you, the devil will not conquer you. He will save you with his mighty hands because he loves you and because you have called out to him.  

The godly pray because they have sincere faith in the goodness of God. Prayerfulness is a mark of the godly. Not mindless prayers but heartfelt prayers. Prayers that comes to God because they love him and delight in him and see him as their comfort and are completely in awe of Him. 

The godly hides in God. David says Vs 7 You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah! This is indeed wonderful - this is marvelous!  

Have you made God your hiding place?  

When the cares of this world overcome you, do you hide in God or do you retreat to the fleeting comfort of drugs, food, and sex?  

Do you know what it is to hide in God?  

Do you not know that your life is now hidden with Christ in God. O poor Christian, learn to hide in God. Learn to withdraw to God and learn to always abide in God. Jeremiah was hidden by God from his enemies and will He not hide you from the destruction of sin if you flee to him for refuge. A redeemed Christian will never go to hell - they will always abide with Christ and will always be in his safety for all eternity. He surrounds them with shouts of deliverance. He covers them with favor and surrounds them with his steadfast love.  

Vs 8 It is true that wisdom is better than jewels and those that sit under the feet of Christ, to take his yoke upon them, and learn from him will find rest for their souls. The humble in heart will be glad and attentive to be instructed and taught in the way they should go 

Christ spent three years instructing his disciples and when he left them, He sent them the Holy Spirit to continue to give them counsel. His eyes were always upon them and it is the same with us. We have the bible which instructs us and teaches us in the way that we should go; He counsels us through his word with his eyes always upon us 

O dear saint, are you lost? Look to God and he will instruct you for such is His heart. 

But do not forget his teaching but let your heart keep his commandments and you will not lose your way even if ten thousand should fall by your side. By springs of water He will guide you for He is your shepherd. 

Therefore, Vs 9 Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you. Have a heart of understanding! 

Always have a willing spirit to obey him and do as he has commanded you. For if you love him you will obey his commandments. Do not be like stupid children that have no understanding. They are wise in doing evil! But how to do good they know not.  

But you dear saints are thankful because your transgressions have been forgiven and your sins covered. You delight in them no more, and your desire is to live a life that is pleasing to God. So, you seek his counsel and follow his ways. There is nothing that you want more than to be a living sacrifice to Jesus completely obeying his every will.  

Those who are forgiven and given the righteousness of Jesus are the blessed and their joy will be forever but it is not so with the wicked, with those whose transgressions are not forgiven or sins covered.  

Vs 10 Many are the sorrows of the wicked. Many indeed! Sadly, it shall last forever in hell and their sorrows will greatly multiply. There is no peace for the wicked. But steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the LORD. This is true at this very moment and will forever be true for you who are trusting in the LORD. It is simple! Are you trusting in the LORD? then his steadfast love surrounds you at this very moment. He takes pleasure in those who fear him. You are blessed. 

Vs 11 Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart! It is fitting that the psalm should end with praise, yes with a glad rejoicing heart because the LORD has not given us what we deserve. He has forgiven us and counts no iniquity against us. All of our transgressions are covered. We are clothed with the righteousness of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.  


I've been wondering

I've been wondering on a road That goes nowhere but here and there Because nowhere is still here and there. When a life ends, it ends an...